3 cartas piloto

O Tarot do Dali foi projetado por ele, em 76 cartas.
Equilíbrio entre a arte, a interpretação da arte, os símbolos e sua interpretação.


XI Forca_Strength

. utilização consciente da força vital
. vontade expressa
. amor à criação
. flores do mal de Baudelaire
. assinatura de Dali = suástica = antigo símbolo do Sol e da vida
. formas animais que precisam ser libertadas = príncipe encantado dos contos de fadas
. utilização positiva e benéfica do ID = líbido, pulsão, energia
. arquétipo “a bela e o monstro” = a libertação de um está dependente da libertação do outro
. minimizar as influências nefastas da nossa própria vida = dar asas às forças criativas
. extravasar os limites do EU = descobrir novos limites


XII O enforcado_The hanged man



VI Os amantes_The lovers

. regresso ao Paraíso, da vida eterna = começa no dia do Juízo Final (Bíblia)
. ansiamos as tememos o amor/ser amado
. quais objetivos e expectativas associamos ao amor?
. ao procurar a “cara-metade”cuidado para não se dividir em dois
. procurar uma pessoa igual a vc? = você
. quanto mais claras as diferenças = mais fecundos os elementos em comum
. amar as diferenças
. amor com base na individualidade + originalidade = ponto alto
. ponto alto = vivência intensa = transcende as capacidades individuais = anjo
. anjo = filho (simbólico) = fruto de um trabalho entre sócios, por exemplo



Connecting the ontology to its knowledge sources


The ontology within the Tarontology draws its knowledge from a multiplicity of sources both online (tarot websites, blogs, posts) and offline (books and people’s undocumented knowledge). The ontology intents o aggregate this knowledge and as such generate a new, extended knowledge of Tarot which draws from the collective (as opposed to the more individual, subjective approach of today). As the knowledge from these different sources get introduced in the ontology, the need arose to distinguish them. To indicate “where from” are we drawing each conclusion. As such, a formalism to denote the knowledge sources per piece of information entered, needed to be established.

The most appropriate formalism would tie the information about the knowledge source, to the relationship triplets (CONCEPT – RELATION – CONCEPT) within the ontology. For example, if we have the relationship triplet:

TAROT CARD – has-meaning – CONCEPT A

we would like o specify that this meaning of “concept A” was connected to that given card in a specific knowledge source. Since other tarologists or knowledge sources could associate the given card to “concept B” instead.

For the time being the ontology within the Tarontology is being developed utilizing WebProtegè, a free open source ontology editing environment. Protegè utilizes the OWL 2 language to represent the created ontologies.

Unfortunately neither OWL 2, nor consequently Protegè, allow for the association of data directly to a relationship triplet. As such I have decided to associate all knowledge sources together generically to the concept in question (he “TAROT CARD” in the above example). This choice facilitates somewhat the editing of the information. Nevertheless it has the large downfall not to allow us later to entirely or easily trace back from which source a particular piece of knowledge was derived.

I have created a new annotation named “KnowledgeSource” to be utilized for this purpose. The hope is that in the future we will be able to utilize this annotation to visually show the different sources of knowledge associated with a Tarot reading or with a given card.


(escute com fones de ouvido)

Fotografia em movimento.
Haikai audiovisual.
Câmera fixa.

natureza + lapso de tempo + contemplação

concisão + objetividade

kiru (o corte) = justaposição de duas imagens ou ideias


kireji (palavra que corta) = o momento da separação + a maneira pela qual os elementos justapostos são relacionados

O haikai é uma forma japonesa de escrita poética breve e sintética. Em sua origem já transita por diferentes linguagens – agregando à linguagem escrita uma mensagem visual.

Partindo desse princípio híbrido, a artista realiza o que chama de haikai audiovisual e imagem haikai. Além do exercício da escrita propriamente do haikai.

Inspirada na contemplação exercitada pela prática do haikai escrito e/ou numa imagem haikai, o haikai audiovisual é concebido pela junção de um pequeno vídeo realizado com câmera fixa – como uma fotografia em movimento –, sem edição e somado a uma trilha sonora criada por outro artista convidado.

Os Haikais audiovisuais reivindicam do espectador modos de olhar e de escutar, lançando mão de um princípio de não redundância entre o visual e o sonoro. Produz, no espectador, uma reflexão ativa sobre a sua própria experiência dos filmes.

Um vídeo haikai = uma fotografia em movimento. A câmera é fixa e contínua – as imagens não passam por nenhum tipo de cortes na edição. O movimento que acontece na frente da câmera é imprevisto e nem sempre possui intensidade de ação, estimulando a contemplação do lapso de tempo.

As trilhas sonoras são compostas por faixas que compartilham o aspecto contemplativo dos haikais e que, ao mesmo tempo, sugerem e buscam tanto a visualidade como a narrativa.

O resultado dessa junção é a equação: a+b=c

a = imagem

b = som

c = haikai audiovisual

Trata-se de um processo nem tanto de interpretação de aspectos da realidade contemplada, mas de transposição e de transformação de fatias dessa realidade em haikais. Tendo como objeto o entendimento da imagem – fotográfica e não-fotográfica – como haikai.



Abstract + questions

Photography, Information Technology, Multimedia


The Tarontology comprises: – a new Photographic Tarot deck of cards reflecting the aspects of today’s life. – An ever living, extendable, Ontology of the domain of Tarot aggregating multiple sources of knowledge. – A new ontology based methodology of interpreting a Tarot spread, applying it to the understanding of today’s life. The exercise of defining the tarontology takes place by experiencing life and space itself, establishing the ontological relationships between image and life.

Mariana is a researcher on ontology and multimedia who is interested in the intersection between art and technology. She strives to investigate how new means of technology influence the work of art as well as the relation of the spectator with the work of art. Simultaneously she brings artistic notions in her everyday life as an information scientist instantiating the inverse influence of art in technology. Leticia is a photographer and visual artist who explores the image as a literary hypertext, utilizing it as a language to express a non-linear narrative. Her creative process relies on physical presence and a relationship of contemplation with the observed reality through means of the exercise of Haikai.

The creation, study and exercise of Tarot is nomadic in nature. Throughout history Tarot decks and practices have been invented and reinvented as the game migrated to different regions, cultures and times. Tarot is a reflection of life as it occurs on the day to day, of the experiencers of life and of the spaces within which life takes place. In order to create a photographic Tarot deck, the ontology of Tarot and a new method of Tarot interpretation reflecting the actual life of today, the artists intend to experience and appropriate themselves of the urban space and of people’s natural habitat, by the means of visual art and physical interpersonal interaction. The Artistic Expedition provide as such the ideal environment for this research.

During the expedition we hope to discover the visual and ontological specificity of life and space in different locations and cultures. For example differences of light, colors, landscape, habits, feelings, physiognomy, interpretations and so on and so forth. We hope to derive from this an essence of the game of Tarot which is related to human nature, abstracting the cultural aspects which surround it.

The trajectory. The act of collecting visual and ontological material for this new tarot reflecting different aspects of human nature which flourish by the observation of different cultures and spaces and how they influence life. Also an interesting aspect is that the expedition provides a hub for the artists to work physically together, as opposed to only virtually. And allows also for the exploration of life through interaction with the other artists of the expedition and the local people. tarot is also closely related to a gypsy culture which we hope to find more presently in this region where the expedition takes place.